- h - left
- l - right
- j - down
- k - up
- ctrl+d - down 1/2 screen
- ctrl+u - up 1/2 screen
- ctrl+f - down 1 screen
- ctrl+b - up 1 screen
- H - top of screen
- M - middle of screen
- L - bottom of screen
- zz - center cursor on screen
- gg - first line
- G - last line
- :? - line ?
- 0 - start of line
- ^ - non-blank start of line
- $ - end of line
- g_ - non-blank end of line
- } - next paragraph/next blank line
- { - previous paragraph/next blank line
- w/W - start of next word
- e/E - end of next word
- b/B - start of previous word
- f/F? - jump forwards/backwards to ?
- t/T? - jump forwards/backwards to before ?
- ; - repeat search fowards
- , - repeat search backwards
- % - jump to matching
- * - find next same word
- ♯ - find previous same word
- ]/[s - jump to next/previous misspelled word
insert mode
- i - before cursor
- I - before line
- a - after cursor
- A - after line
- o - line below
- O - line above
- ctrl+h - delete character before cursor
- ctrl+w - delete word before cursor
- ctrl+j - new line
- ctrl+t - indent
- ctrl+d - deindent
- ctrl+r? - paste register ?
- ctrl+n - autocomplete next
- ctrl+p - autocomplete previous
visual mode
- v - character mode
- V - line mode
- ctrl+v - blockwise mode
- > - indent
- < - deindent
- = - autoindent
- g ctrl+g - word count
- q? - record macro into register ?
- q - end recording
- @? - run macro ?
- _@? - run macro ? _ times
- @@ - rerun last run macro
text objects
- ?i/aw - ? inside/around word
- ?i/as - ? inside/around sentence
- ?i/ap - ? inside/around paragraph
- ?i/a" - ? inside/around quotes
- ?i/a(/b - ? inside/around parentheses
- ?i/a[ - ? inside/around brackets
- ?i/a{/B - ? inside/around braces
- ?i/a< - ? inside/around angle brackets
- ?i/at - ? inside/around html tags
cut & paste
- x - delete
- y - yank
- yy - yank line
- p - paste after cursor
- P - paste before cursor
- d - delete
- dd - delete line
- D - delete to end of line
- "?y/p - yank/paste register ?
- "1y/p - yank/paste newest register
- "9y/p - yank/paste oldest register
- "+y/p - yank/paste into system clipboard
- "_d - delete into black hole register
- "0p - paste last copy, ignore cut/delete
- r - replace with 1 character
- R - replace until [esc]
- cc/S - change entire line
- c$/C - change from cursor til end of line
- s - substitute
- u - undo
- ctrl+r - redo
- . - repeat last command
- >> - indent
- << - deindent
- == - autoindent
- ]p - paste with adjusted indent
- ~ - switch case
- zg - add to dictionary
- zug - remove from dictionary